Big Famous Mountains
Once again, six chances to make five!

2. What is the name of this Japanese volcano?

4. This mountain is also the highest on its continent. What is its name?
Once again, six chances to make five!
1. What is the name of this iconic European mountain?

2. What is the name of this Japanese volcano?

3. This mountain, the highest mountain on its continent, goes by two names. Either one will work here.

4. This mountain is also the highest on its continent. What is its name?

5. This mountain is the highest in the Southern Hemisphere. What is its name?

6. This mountain is the southernmost active volcano in the world -- but is not, as often thought, the highest mountain on its continent.

Submit your answers in the comments.
1. Matterhorn
2. Fuji
3. McKinley or Denali (from its peak, you can see the Governor's mansion)
4. Kilimanjaro
5. oops, ran out of answers
6. something on Antarctica?
1. Matterhorn
2. Fuji
3. McKinley
4. Kilimanjaro
5. Uh...dunno
6. a volcano on Antarctica
1. Matterhorn
2. Fujiyama
3. Denali
4. Kilamanjaro
5. Andre the Giant
6. something in Antarctica
matterhorn // fiji// mckinley // kilimanjaro // acongagua (sp?) // i'm out. it's in antarctica.
arrgh. damn little keys and big fingers. i meant fuji, NOT fiji.
FINALLY!!! I quiz I actually know some answers to!!
Denali (Oldest & Native name for the mountain, of course the US would go in and try to change it!)
1 the Matterhorn
2 Fuji-san
3 Denali, or Mt. McKinley.
4 Kilimanjaro
5 OK, now I'm in trouble. Time to pay for my terrible nortecentric ways. It's, uh, San Cristobal.
6 Why, that's the beloved, uh, Mount Eisenfire. . .
1 / Matterhorn
2 / Fuji
3 / Denali
4 / Kilimanjaro
5 / Aconagua
6 / ??
1. The Matterhorn
2. Mt. Fuji
3. Denali, or Mt. McKinley
4. Kilamanjaro? I can't even spell it.
5. I think this one is in the Andes, and I think I read about it during my Spanish studies this past Fall. However, I can't dredge up its name (post-40 brain cell loss).
6. Is this in Antarctica? I don't know the name of any of those mountains. How about Mt Ross. Or Mt Peary.
Somewere in Peru
Denali McKinley
1. Matterhorn
2. Fugi
3. no idea
4. Kilimanjaro
5. Popo something not sure
6. Brrrrrrrrrr.
I did not do so well on this one. They all look cold.
1. The Matter Horn
2. Mt. Fugi
3. Denali
4. Mt. Kilimanjaro
5. Something in the Andes, I'm thinking
6. Something in Antarctica?
1. Matterhorn
2. Fuji
3. Mt Everest!!!
4. Kilamanjaro
5. Mt Everest!!!
6. Mt Everest!!!
1. the Matterhorn
2. Fuji
3. Denali / McKinley
4. Kilimanjaro
5. Aconcagua
6. Erebus
Making the MQLVII E.P. winners d, karma, Sandy, and especially 6/5 winners Kadonkadonk and Chance.
Chance is tied for second on the all-time MQ roster now; KarmaSartre is in sixth but threatening the tie for fourth; d is in seventh. It's Sandy's second E.P., and the very first for Kadonkadonk, the 50th human to win a MQEP!
There was a M5K quiz in my dream last night.
All I remember about it is that, even in my dreams, it was too hard.
That was kind of a soul-crushing moment in my life.
@Ms. Saved: I am torn between the flattery and the guilt.
Once again, I'd like to thank the casting crew at Jeopardy for my newfound "tall mountain" knowledge.
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