OK, here's a little Beethoven anecdote for you. Ludwig himself was the pianist at the Third Piano Concerto's debut, and of course he had a guy sitting next to him to turn the pages in the music. Except that guy later revealed that there was virtually nothing written on the piano score, except a few little notes and hieroglyphics. Beethoven had the piano part in his head, but hadn't ever written it down, so every once in a while he would just nod to his "helper" with a little smile so he would turn the page.
The Third Piano Concerto is less playful than the Second, yet not as dramatically stormy as the First. I hear it as a stately, serious piece, dignified but not at all offputting. Its introduction strikes a note of mystery that is developed throughout the first movement. Like the first two concertos, it has a stompin' final theme that moves the third movement right along.
Happy Probable Actual Beethoven's Birthday Eve!
Name That Country!



Was that hard? Here's an Extra Credit country.

Submit your answers in the comments.
1. Germany
2. Guatemala
3. Gabon
4. Georgia
5. Guinea Bissau
X. Greece
Geeee! That was fun.
I hate quizzes but can't resist me a mappy one.
1. Germany
2. Guatemala
3. Gabon
4. Georgia
5. Guinea
6. Greece
7. Gee, I'm seeing a pattern here!
1. Germany
6. Greece
I'm tapped out.
germany//guatemala//guinea?(i know not african countries anymore)//in continuing with the 'g' theme this must be georgia although i really wanted it to be khazikstan just because i like saying khazikstan//equatorial guinea? are they two separate things?//greece! thank god because one of those guineas can't be right. right?
1. Germany
2. Guatemala
3. Gabon
4. Georgia
5. Guinea Bissau
extra credit: Greece
1. Germany
2. Guatemala
3. Gabon
(did you watch Survivor last night?!)
4. Georgia
5. Guinea Bissau
(woot! so close to Senegal, land that I love!)
x. Greece
good thing I don't have a stutter.
Hmm. "Beethoven" doesn't start with a G.
I was trying to avoid any further silly mistakes by double-checking my memory of "arpeggio" and making sure I wasn't really confusing it with something like "glissando" when I ran across this article on the arpeggio and thought it was--well, you can see for yourself.
1 / Germany
2 / Guatemala
3 / Gabon
4 / Georgia
5 / Gosh, I think I got this one in some prior quiz, does that count?
ECC / Greece
1. Germany
2. Guatemala
3. Gabon
4. Georgia
5. Guinea-Bissau
6. Greece
Good? Gotta go!
My question of the day is whether or not to embarrass myself on a quiz to which I only know one of the answers. OK, I guess I will. (I'm going to pretend that there's a "G" theme.)
1. Germany
2. Guatemala (sp?)
3. Ghana
4. Georgia
5. Gabon
(yes, that was hard)
6. Greece
Was going to enter, but inadvertently saw the other g-lists before posting this comment. Was also going to gloat over knowing Guinea Bissau and Gabon owing to my year long study of African countries (wait until Sao Tome and Principe come up within the next year or two - I'm ready!).
So, never mind. They're all g-countries, a couple two or three are kinda hard ones.
Going to find me a gin and tonic.
isn't that greece?
because of jeopardy, i know all of the capitals of those countries.
1 Germany
2 Guatemala
3 Ghana
4 Greater Gadzookistan
5 Guinea-Bissau
EC Greece
Always especially embarrassing to do a faceplant on Countries in the News. Builds character, I hope.
And the Answers are....
1. Germany
2. Guatemala
3. Gabon
4. Georgia
5. Guinea Bissau
Extra Credit - Greece
Big night for DrSchnell -- not only does he consolidate his lead on the all-time list with a 21st Exclaimation Point, but with five straight E.P.s he ties the record for consecutive wins set all the way back at MQXXIV-MQXXVIII by, well, DrSchnell.
He shouldn't relax, though; la gringissima and KarmaSartre both take E.P.s tonight to make a run of four; they are at fifth and sixth on the all time list.
Other winners tonight are Dug, Karin, Cartophiliac, and Chance. Represent!
i meant to put Guatemala DAMMIT grenada is a GODDAM island and everyone knows it. that exclamation point was mine to lose.
@Chance: Yeah, thank goodness for extra credit!
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