Sunday, October 26, 2008

DorkFest: The Hangover

In response to actual reader requests, I have created badges for those who placed in DorkFest 2008. The first, second, and third place winners have had their special badges -- gold, silver, and blue, per L&TM5K tradition -- hand delivered, but since I don't have emails for all of the finalists and semifinalists I will just post them here for you to cut and paste into your website, letterhead, business card, wedding invitation, or wherever you want to put it.

Badges! We Need Stinkin' Badges!

The SemiFinalists -- Sandy, la gringissima, d, Mrs.5000, boo, and Morgan -- have rightfully earned the right to the Red Badge of DorkFest.

And the Finalists -- Phineas, MJ, Jennifer, Rhetorical Twist, Blythe, and Yankee in England -- win the right to the Green Badge!

Those of you who are developing a taste for Interobangin', as Boo put it, might be interested in this item of jewelry I noticed while searching for the Interobang image:

Their creator sells them for $20 on Etsy. Tell her michael5000 sent you! She won't know what the hell you're talking about, but that's just part of the fun.


Rebel said...


Anonymous said...

The "8"s look like they're not aligned on a radius.

Michael5000 said...

karma: If they wanted better badges, they needed to enter a contest run by someone with graphic design training.

But, not a bad opening gambit for DF2009. File it away...

blythe said...


i never really won anything in real life. i'd prefer that this had been a trophiary (get it, ha!).