Badges! We Need Stinkin' Badges!
The SemiFinalists -- Sandy, la gringissima, d, Mrs.5000, boo, and Morgan -- have rightfully earned the right to the Red Badge of DorkFest.
And the Finalists -- Phineas, MJ, Jennifer, Rhetorical Twist, Blythe, and Yankee in England -- win the right to the Green Badge!
Those of you who are developing a taste for Interobangin', as Boo put it, might be interested in this item of jewelry I noticed while searching for the Interobang image:

Their creator sells them for $20 on Etsy. Tell her michael5000 sent you! She won't know what the hell you're talking about, but that's just part of the fun.
The "8"s look like they're not aligned on a radius.
karma: If they wanted better badges, they needed to enter a contest run by someone with graphic design training.
But, not a bad opening gambit for DF2009. File it away...
i never really won anything in real life. i'd prefer that this had been a trophiary (get it, ha!).
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