Friday, July 18, 2008

The Second Annual Fashion Edition!!!

Whether at work or out on the town, michael5000 knows he will always look great in either of two zippy ensembles.

The first is the "shirt and tie." In this look, a button shirt with a collar is worn... with a tie looped under the collar, draped down over the buttons! This combo is still fresh and exciting after 130 years or so, and doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon!

For comfort, durability, and flair, michael5000 prefers white or jewel-toned cotton twill shirts with a back yoke and button-down collars. He has a large collection of elgant, colorful ties, for which he has paid between 10 cents and 5 dollars apiece. He thinks that anybody who would pay the standard retail price of 30 dollars for a tie needs to have his head examined. For weddings, funerals, and employment-related situations that require kissing up, a jacket adds that "something special."

Sometimes -- oh, let's face it, often -- the shirt and tie seems like too much fuss for just another workday. Those are the days for the long-sleaved turtleneck t-shirt! Worn with a pair of slacks, this is a look that says, "Hey, world! I'm wearing a t-shirt to work! And getting away with it! Life is good!"

michael5000 wears a veritable rainbow of long-sleaved turtleneck t-shirts. Sometimes, he wears them with a brown belt and brown shoes. On days that require that extra touch of formality, a black belt and black shoes add a note of sobriety.

In closing, always remember this simple rule of fashion: if you want to put together a comfortable, functional wardrobe that you can maintain without much expense or worry, make sure to be born a male!

[The 2007 Fashion Issue: timeless!]


gl. said...

maybe we need to find you a better fashion photographer: what are you trying to say in the first photo, and what are you selling in the second? ;)

Rhetorical Twist said...

I love your conclusion


(New posting name because a new blog's a brewin'! Aren't you proud?!)

Anonymous said...

I like your stance on ties. And I know some born males that do not make it look this easy. What's their problem?

Interesting leaf placement. Can we cal that an organic design?

Rebel said...

Wow - and you say your readers are dead sexy. =P

Michael5000 said...

@gl.: A "better fashion photographer"? Why?

@r.t./allie: New blog! I'm there!

@boo: I think their problem is, they spend all their money on ties, they run into financial problems, they are constantly worrying, and the negatively starts to show up in their look.

@rebel: Oh, I KNOW!! I frighten myself.

Anonymous said...

Dressed all in black, drinking straight rum while staring at the computer?

Michael5000 said...

@critical bill: It's quite a glamorous lifestyle.

mhwitt said...

I like your advice and the photographs too, but I'll pass along one bit of my own advice: ditch the pleated pants. Flat fronts are where it's at. Pleats are for suits, or at least outfits that include blazers or sport coats.

My wife had to convince of this, and she was dead right, as usual.

I'll take your advice on the turtle-neck t-shirt and stock up on a few!