Event #2: Creative Endeavors, Freestyle
This event is a contest among creative projects of any visual medium, or any medium that can be represented visually.
The project should be something you designed and made yourself. It does NOT have to be a current project or an item made especially for this event. Entries might include, but certainly are not limited to, paintings, photographs, sculptures, gardens, carpentry, murals, mosaics, quilts, apparel, wedding cakes, or anything else that embodies design and creative elements.
Email up to two (2) image files of your entry to M5Kdecathlon@gmail.com.
Judging: Judging will be conducted by michael5000, possibly with the help of one or more non-competing assistants, in a cheerfully subjective fashion. Please note that judging will necessarily be limited to the visual qualities of your project; a double-chocolate torte, no matter how exquisite, may suffer in that only its appearance, and not its taste, will be conveyed in your image.
Deadline: Images must be submitted no later than 10 p.m. Friday, May 9 (Pacific Daylight Time).
Friday, April 9, is the deadline?
How am I gonna win then?
Ooops, bugger. Thanks Mags. Corrected to May 9.
Mr. 5000, what are you taking anyhow?
@fingers: Caffeine! Thanks for asking! Does it show?
hmmmmmm will you weight technical prowess more, or originality of design? What's the scoring rubrik?
No digital camera. Would poetry count? It's hyper-visual.
I presume you want to limit to one entry per participant to preserve order in this endeavor.
Hmmmm, Finious, Funniness, Phin-spot, ....will have to see what names google has available....
aw, thanks for the correction. Now that I'm an unemployed -- er, I mean, between opportunities -- copy editor, perhaps I can get hired on at The Life and Times of Michael5000?
Okay! Friday by 10 PM. That give me some time and motivation. I have to get to work.
@Rebel: If a photo was a little blurry, I'd pretty much be forced to focus on its originality of design, wouldn't I?
@karma: No digital camera? That's as crazy as the guy I know who doesn't have a cell phone! Oh, wait, that's me....
Maybe one of those poems that are shaped like a swan or something? Those are good and visual....
@Phineas: Oh, I encourage sock puppet competitors. It would make me feel like I'm hosting a big, bustling blog empire.
@margaret: Thank you for your interest in working for the L&TM5K. Please forward a current resume, three references, a letter detailing your expertise in and passion for quilting, half-assed Bible study, and whatever THIS blog is about, plus a waiver of salary expectations and an affadavit absolving me of all blame, to m5kdecathlon@gmail.com.
I made a beeramid once that would make you weep.
Can the pictures be accompanied by explanatory text? If no, what if the text is on the pictures, and in a pretty font?
@dr. ken: a beeramid, if of sufficiently impressive proportions, would undoubtedly dazzle the committee.
@nichim: a brief explanatory text would certainly be acceptable.
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