The Brackets!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Break 2007

As the snow drifts down, gently burying the City of Roses in deep blankets of white, with the clop-clop-clopping of horses' hooves and the merry laughter of children drifting up from the street outside Castle5000; as each and every one of us looks deep within our hearts and find that we believe in Santa Claus after all -- unless we happen to be over the age of five -- it is time for the L&TM5K to put its feet up and start enjoying the winter holidays.

No Monday Quiz this week; we'll be back for the last Thursday Quiz of 2007 on the 27th.

In the meantime, have safe travels and an extremely Merry Christmas. Those of you who are afficianados of "the Sweet Science," have a lovely Boxing Day. If you happen to play football for Arizona State University, I will be in the unusual position of rooting for you during the Holiday Bowl, as you are both representin' the Pac-10 and playing Texas. To a lesser extent, Go Boise State and Purdue as well.

Those of you who, for reasons of religious conviction or lack thereof, or problematic family dynamics, or personal protest against the juggernaut of late capitalism, or sheer apathy, are "not into the Christmas thing" -- you guys all have a Very Merry Tuesday!

One thing we can all agree on. Today has six seconds more daylight than did yesterday (at 46 degrees North Latitude -- adjust as necessary per your locality). That is a fine thing. A fine, fine thing. Anyone reading this in the Southern Hemisphere: go ahead, laugh. Laugh to your heart's content. We'll see who's crying in three months.


  1. Thanks for the good wishes. Back achoo.

    The photo intrigues. I'm thinking the bar on top of the rear contraption swings down rapidly at some point, perhaps after the in-house parakeet alights upon it, and, in some way I cannot suss out, gets the tallest of the figurines to topple to the viewer's right, and start a domino-like chain reaction wherein all the figurines take a fall.

  2. Merry Christmas to you Michael and Mrs. M5K! :-)

  3. well, shootz, I had no idea there was a _third_ blog of delightful Michaelness available for my edification and entertainment.

    My New Year's Resolution is to bookmark it and check regularly! I already have laughed out loud about the Beastie Boys recitation conflicting with Mrs. 5000's work duties.

    And htanks for the reminder re longer days ahead. Can we say YAY?! See you in 2008, Margarita

  4. I hope the time was wonderful. Every time I see a tiny manger I remember the one we had. My mother wouldn't put out the itty bitty baby until Christmas day. And once, because I loved it so much, I put it in my mouth for safekeeping and disaster followed.

    But it was so cute!


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